Increase Your Amazon Sales by Using Kindle Unlimited
kindle unlimited
Amazon’s Kindle newest addition, Kindle Unlimited, is a subscription service that allows customers to read as many Kindle books as they’d like for a monthly fee of $9.99, instead of paying for each book individually. This allows readers more freedom to branch out and try different authors and genres that they might not have before.
When enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, authors are paid royalties based on the number of pages read/e-books downloaded by customers. Even if it takes months for an individual customer to read pages in your book, you will still collect royalties when it does happen.
We spoke with one author about her experiences with Kindle Unlimited so far. After one month of having her e-book on Kindle Unlimited, she received $200 from Amazon. She is currently making a steady $1000 a month and is on Kindle Unlimited’s Top 100 list with very little effort. There aren’t any secret tips or tricks to getting there, but it is important to have an eye-catching cover, well written synopsis, and praise from your adoring fans.
To start the Kindle Unlimited program, you must first be enrolled in KDP Select (click here for more information on KDP Select). Once you are enrolled in KDP Select and Kindle Unlimited, a badge will appear by your book(s) in the Kindle Library indicating to Kindle Unlimted customers that they can read your book(s) without buying it individually.
Kindle Unlimited is marketed to readers as a great way to discover new authors and genres, and therefore can help authors gain readership and sales. Customers who are unfamiliar with your work might not have spent money on your book individually, but may be more willing to try it with the Kindle Unlimited program. Because you can choose which of your books are enrolled in the program, customers who read one of your books with Kindle Unlimited and enjoy it might also be more willing to purchase your other books. Author Hugh Howey blogged about his success with Kindle Unlimited:
“Right now, the best experience for readers, and the way to reach more of them, is through Kindle Unlimited. This isn’t a commercial for the service; this is professional advice from someone who has tried both routes with a keen eye on the data. Try it for yourself and see. If you ask me, KU is a KO.”
To learn more about the Kindle Unlimited program, visit the Amazon Kindle page here.
Rome wasn’t built in a day and, most likely, your Kindle Unlimited success won’t happen overnight, so give it some time; but try uploading your book to Kindle Unlimited and give it the old Centurion try!