Interview with Cara MacMillan, Author of It Is Only Money
It Is Only Money Book Cover
We had the pleasure of interviewing Cara MacMillan, the author of It Is Only Money and It Grows on Trees!, a narrative that explores how the concept of money differs throughout various world religions and cultures.
How did you begin writing? Did you intend to become an author, or is there any other reason?
In business, we need to communicate, writing to me is another communication tool.
Tell us about It Is Only Money. How would you describe the book to someone?
It is a parable. It tries to explain the universal and cultural laws of money in a story that people can understand and apply.
What brought you to write It Is Only Money? Where’d you get the idea?
This is actually a very difficult question. The truth is I don't know. I have always written for business but this book came from the heart. I just felt that I had to share the information in a way that could spark an understanding in my students.
What were the challenges in writing this book?
Time. I needed to be away from the business vocabulary in order to speak and translate many of the concepts into everyday language. I completed the book when I took a sabbatical and immersed myself in nature.
What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
My favorite character is Mary. She is a role model to many of us on how to live abundantly and to always remember that It Is Only Money.
Is there a message in your novel that you hope readers will grasp?
"Enjoy the journey to sustainable wealth!"
What are you reading right now? Are there any authors that you would name as influences?
My go to reading when I am busy balancing family, work and me is poetry. Right now I am reading the works of William Butler Yeats. My favourite poem so far is Lake Isle of Innisfree.
How hard is it to establish and maintain a career in writing? Do you have any advice for other writers?
Perseverance. Do not listen to the people who say "You? You can't!" Those people are speaking out loud to themselves. Speak out loud to yourself and say, "Yes I can."
What's next for you? What are you working on now?
My next book will be Make Big Money and Make a Big Difference. It will be a guide to investing to ensure that we put our money into investments that share our values.
Any last thoughts for our readers?
Have faith and be confident. Only good things happen.
It Is Only Money and It Grows on Trees! was published by Halcyon Consulting Publication in October 2015. The story takes place in a classroom where a teacher named Catherine has written the word, Money, in large capital letters on the blackboard. She invites her students to help her define what money is. The students propose varying answers, and Catherine explains how each of these different definitions comes from our cultural, religious, family, and economic backgrounds.
“It Is Only Money is a well-written and imaginative multi ethnic and multi-cultural look at acquiring wealth. I loved the give and take between Catherine, the teacher, and the diverse group of students who are in her class. Through this device, the author explores the role of money in Hindu, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other religions, and discusses how the biblical story, The Parable of the Talents, can be used as a way to explore one's own talents and ability to actively make money. MacMillan's thoughts on passive income streams, investments, and finding one's passion as opposed to merely doing a job one hates are well-presented… It Is Only Money is highly recommended.” -Readers' Favorite
“The story keeps your interest, while the classroom stories and discussion will keep you thinking. If you are looking for a break from the normal personal finance book, with ‘how to’ steps I would suggest It Is Only Money.” – Debt Discipline
“Honestly, this is one of the only books that deals with finance and money that I could not only read cover to cover, but also understood and enjoyed reading…Totally a five-star book!” – Dhwani Swadia, There and Their
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