Where To Sell Your Book Online
author writing
Have you just finished writing your book but have no idea where to publish and sell it online? Self-publishing is easy, and the route that most authors are taking nowadays.
AmazonPublishing your book on Amazon is a great place to start, since the Kindle has become so popular and Amazon is a well-known and trusted site. You can use CreateSpace to publish your book in paperback, and/or KDP to publish your book on kindle. Publishing your book on Amazon is fast, easy, and free. You can make changes to your book at any time, distribute globally, and publish in multiple languages.
Barnes and NobleBarnes and Noble has made a place for self-publishing writers called NOOK Press, where you can publish your book in eBook or print. Self-publishing your book through NOOK Press is simple. They give you everything you need to create, edit, and sell your books. It's easy to sign up and try out the features, such as writing, editing, formatting, and collaborating. Just like all other sites, they will charge you a percentage for your sales but is otherwise free to use.
Smashwords.comSmashwords is another site that allows you to publish and sell your eBook. The great thing about Smashwords is that it not only publishes your eBook on that site but also on many others. It allows you to distribute your eBook to sites like IBookstore, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Sony, and many others. You will get 80% from sales made from Smashwords and 60% from sales made on the other sites.
Your Own Website or BlogIf you want your book to be easily found by your target audience in search engines like Google and Yahoo, it is important to have a website or blog specifically for the book. On your website, you can sell copies, link to online sellers of your book like the ones mentioned above, and include more information about the book including events, news, reviews, press, social media, etc.